GOP vice-presidential candidate Sen. JD Vance (Ohio) has been attacking Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, at every turn. We’ve dealt with some of his more substantive policy attacks, but here’s a quick roundup of some of the ...

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) faces a rematch Tuesday against a primary opponent who almost defeated her two years ago but has not drawn the big-money backing that helped topple two other members of the liberal “Squad” this year. Don Samuels, ...

After Donald Trump asked the oil industry to contribute $1 billion to his presidential campaign in April, oil baron Harold Hamm immediately started working the phones. Hamm, the billionaire founder of Continental Resources, called other oil executives and encouraged them ...

MINNEAPOLIS — Days after George Floyd was murdered in 2020, as the video of the last moments of his life ricocheted around the country and sent waves of demonstrators onto Minnesota streets, Gov. Tim Walz (D) sat in a room ...

ATLASBURG, Pa. — After years of positioning herself as a climate crusader and ardent opponent of fracking, Kamala Harris has avoided mention of such credentials in this must-win state for Democrats, where natural gas drives the economy, culture and everyday ...

In keeping with his preference that the universe continue to engage with him as though he is still president, Donald Trump’s team has adopted the habit of occasionally referring to his public comments and appearances as “addresses to the nation.” ...

As tremors shook the ground in parts of western Japan last Thursday, local and national government bodies leapt into action. Meteorologists gathered and issued a temporary tsunami advisory. A special committee warned that another “major earthquake” could hit in the ...

Sudan is at a “breaking point,” a United Nations agency said Monday, as a growing number of people need food, water, shelter and medical care in a country devastated by intensifying war. Over eight million people have been displaced since ...

Thousands of doctors have gone on strike across India to demand better protection for health workers after a trainee medic was raped and murdered in eastern West Bengal state. The resident doctor’s body was found last Friday with multiple injuries and signs ...

Vladimir Kara-Murza, a Russian opposition politician and one of President Vladimir Putin’s fiercest critics, has described the psychological torture he endured during 11 months in solitary confinement, saying he thought he would die in a Siberian cell. The British-Russian national was ...